Indra and Europavia will repair avionic equipments of the Air Army’s aircraft

Indra and Europavia will repair avionic equipments of the Air Army’s aircraft

Indra and Europavia Spain have been awarded the lots 1 and 3, respectively, of the framework agreement opened by the Air Army for the repair of instruments and avionic equipments of its aircraft and which had a total budget of six million euros. The Lot 2 has been desert.

Specifically, Indra has been awarded the batch concerned the maintenance of the indicator attitude, the front transmitting unit ALQ-500, accessories and others, with an amount of 3.2 million.

On his behalf, Europavia Spain will perform the maintenance of the display optoelectron, the trim control indicator, accessories and other. The amount of this contract is of 1.2 million euros.

The Lot 2, concerning the maintenance of the control-display opto, control, computer, accessories and others, and with an amount of 1.6 million, has been desert by lack of bidders.

The framework agreement has been processed by an open procedure by the Direction of Acquisitions of the Logistic Support Command of the Air Army. Theexecutionperiodistwoyears.