Quality Assurance, Environment and Safety Policy

Quality Assurance, Environment and Safety Policy


Quality assurance, environment and safety policy is oriented toward achieving our mission and underpinned by a set of shared values where the focus is always on continuously improving safety, environment and quality.
Safety is a priority for all personnel at the organisation, especially as regards any maintenance activity which is being carried out on the premises.
The staff should be aware of their input into the safety of the product, as well as safety policies and goals. They must report any error, incident or discrepancy concerning safety to the Quality and Environment control responsible. All personnel must comply with the approved procedures, rules and standards of quality and safety that apply. Under no circumstances shall reporting such information entail punitive action for the personnel involved.
All staff must ensure that the quality system functions properly and make it compliant with the safety, environment and quality rules and procedures that apply. All the employees must be aware of the EUROPAVIA’s code of conduct that establishes the reference guidelines in accordance with our Mission.


Europavia España’s quality assurance, environment and safety policy is aimed in the following directions:
· Toward our customers: supplying products or providing services in keeping with their requirements and needs, without tolerating compromises that can affect quality, environment and safety where these are concerned.
· Toward ensuring efficiency: focusing on our entire management system’s processes, that are designed to satisfy the needs of the parties concerned by using our resources efficiently and promoting energy efficiency and preserving natural resources.
· Toward our partners: safeguarding their interests in accordance with the undertakings signed and via practices that guarantee that customers are completely satisfied.
· Toward our shareholders: protecting our shareholders’ interests by means of effective business management that allows them to make the profits they deserve.
· Toward our employees: putting business policies into practice that enable their work to be performed as it should be, their professional development and their personal well-being as well as providing an adequate training to our employees to promote awareness and responsibility regarding environmental issues.
· Toward society in general: always upholding exemplary conduct and committing to our activity producing social benefit and always comply and, when possible, exceed the requirements of current environmental legislation and regulations, as well as others signed by the organization. To have action procedures in the event of an accident that may have consequences on the environment, with special attention to preventing pollution.


To deliver high value-added products and services that provide a solution for the needs of our partners and customers in the aerospace, defence and security industries and to establish long-lasting relationships that are built on trust and based on the experience and commitment of our professionals.”


· Integrity: We conduct ourselves honestly, faithfully and transparently and facilitate relations built on trust while encouraging austerity and applying ethical business practices with our stakeholders.
· Commitment: We identify ourselves with the Europavia project and both engage and strive to meet the aims of sustainability, profitability, quality and developing the company’s professionals.
· Creativity: We seek innovative solutions that retain our competitive edge and flexibility, and both remain in continuous improvement and manage to adapt to what our business demands of us.
· Service orientated: We make efforts to procure the full satisfaction of our customers and partners and aspire to offer them a first-rate service as well as deal with them respectfully while working closely together.
· Enthusiasm: We work with eagerness, motivation and enthusiastically, and we take pains to attain excellence in performing our professional duties.