Europavia has once again been elected to be part of TEDAE’s Board of Directors , the Spanish Association of Defense, Security, Aeronautical and Space Technologies, on behalf of the SMEs.
The objective of TEDAE is to promote the adequate development of the defense, security, aeronautics and space sectors, considered as a whole, and to collaborate in promoting the specific interests of each one of them.
The companies that make up TEDAE have a turnover of more than 13 billion euros; they export the 71% of their products and services, contribute with 1% to the GDP of Spain, and generate more than 57,600 highly technical skilled jobs.
Together with Europavia, the new Board of Directors is made up of Airbus, Indra, GDELS, Navantia, ITP Aero, Aernnova, Aciturri, GMV, Tecnobit, Escribano M&E, Saes and Centum.